The Fleet Air Arm Association
The following Membership classes are available as described below in the extracts from the FAA Association Constitution:
3.1a FULL MEMBERSHIP - Full Membership of the Association is open to all personnel, who are serving or have served in a recognised profession or trade in the Fleet Air Arm, Royal Naval Reserves, Commonwealth Navies, Royal Marines and Royal Marine Reserves, specific to the operation and maintenance of the aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm.
Along with other Armed Service personnel of the Crown and Veterans, including Commonwealth Services and the Merchant Navy provided they are serving or have served with Squadrons or Units at sea or on shore, and were involved in the operation, maintenance or support of the aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm, or the provision of services to personnel of the Fleet Air Arm
3.2a ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP – Associate Membership shall be open to such persons with a close connection or keen interest in the Association of the Fleet Air Arm who are not otherwise eligible for membership. Such as Royal Naval Aircraft Yard personnel, the widow(er) or surviving partner, sons, daughters and close relatives of Full members who wish to attend meetings and re-unions.
Full and Associate Membership is available from our Local Branches.
If you do not have a Local FAAA Branch, you can get a Full UK or Full Overseas Membership by Joining our "Daedalus (HQ) Branch":
Daedalus Branch UK Member Applicants: - Joining Fee £15.00 which includes a Lapel Badge and first year's capitation.
Daedalus Branch Overseas Member Applicants: - Joining Fee £30 which includes a Lapel Badge, an Association Tie and first year's capitation.
The Capitation Fee for Members will be £5 - Daedalus Members will pay £6 (£5 capitation + £1 postage).
Benefits of joining the Fleet Air Arm Association
The Membership Subscription covers:
1. One Year’s Association Membership.
2. Lapel Badge.
3. The FAAA's Newsletter.
( inc. All Packaging, Postage & Delivery. )
Further items can be purchased, a full list will be forwarded with your initial membership pack.
Future developments include a Membership Booklet giving service details and service history.
Your Initial Application Payment (i.e. the appropriate Joining Fee) is to paid by Cheque or Postal Order, made Payable to the "FLEET AIR ARM ASSOCIATION" and mailed to the FAAA Treasurer, thereafter Annually via a Standing Order/Direct Debit/Bank Transfer, using the form provided by the FAAA Treasurer.
TO JOIN, CONTACT THE… Membership Secretary / Daedalus Branch Secretary
April 2024 Latest Revised FAA Association Constitution